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BT 2000 Showcase at “2020 Seminar on Advanced Lithium Ion Battery and Fuel Cell for Electrochemical Energy Storage”

During Sept 29th and Sept 30th, 2020, Chen Tech will showcase our new released “Compact Multi-range Battery Test Equipment BT 2000” at
“2020 Seminar on Advanced Lithium Ion Battery and Fuel Cell for Electrochemical Energy Storage”, which is held at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
BT 2000 is the smallest battery test equipment in the industry. To fully support advanced research needs, it highlights 0.015% ultra-precision, and min. 0.02% F.S.
current output. Moreover, multiple battery test standards are built-in in the system to facilitate battery verification process for battery researchers.
Feel free to contact us for detailed specs and quotes on BT 2000.


2020 Seminar on Advanced Lithium Ion Battery and Fuel Cell for Electrochemical Energy Storage

Dates: Sept 29th – Sept. 30th, 2020

Venue: National Cheng Kung University NCKU)

Booth: B1 B-6

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